Abortion Recovery

Following an abortion, many women initially experience relief. The perceived crisis is over and life returns to normal. However, for many women, the crisis is not over. Months, even years later, significant problems may develop. Women who have experienced abortion may develop the following symptoms:
- Grief
- Sense of loss
- Anger
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Suicidal thoughts
- Difficulty bonding with partner or children
- Eating disorders
Post abortion stress is real. If you or someone you know develops any of these symptoms, we offer confidential support through our post-abortion recovery program, Surrendering the Secret. This Bible study offers one-on-one support in a safe and confidential environment where they can begin the healing process. Some of the topics covered include: anger, guilt, depression and forgiveness. There is no cost for attendance.
For those struggling after an abortion - YOU ARE NOT ALONE
Post Abortion Healing Ministry "Surrendering the Secret" is offered as a Bible study for men, women or couples who have experienced a past abortion.
Please email [email protected] for details
For help call: (575) 894-HOPE(4673)